What is Junlge Mayhem?
There’s a rumble in the jungle!
Join the frey and shoot your way through the jungle in this action platformer. Jump’n’Run meets Shooter!
Enemies are getting smarter, faster and deadlier with each new wave! You better upgrade your health, weapon and speed to survive a little longer in this mayhem.
Where can I download Jungle Mayhem?
You can download Jungle Mayhem by clicking here:
How does Jungle Mayhem look?
Watch the trailer:
This actually looks like fun. A PC build of this game would make a nice “beat the average price” bonus if you ever sold Rico through an indie game bundle or a site like IndieGameStand.
And thank you for dropping by in the Groupees Be Mine 6 bundle chat. It was very nice being able to talk with you.
Enjoyed this game a lot, very nice feel on the gameplay and controllers, the only thing I really missed was a crouch button to better avoid bullets, but it’s nothing that breaks the game. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes a game with a retro feel and with simple concepts.